Some people find it easier than others, but we always love to hear you trying it out.
There are a number of words you probably already know, such as Grazie (thank you), Ciao(used for hello and bye), Si (yes), per favore (please). However, if you want to be a little more adventurous, we have a couple of phrases to impress the locals (and our guides!)
The key to sounding like a true Italian is getting the accent right. It’s almost like a ‘sing-song’ pronunciation. We’re very expressive people and we like to demonstrate this in the way we speak, our hand gestures and our tone.
Here are a few phrases for you to practice before you come - then try them out on our guides!
Buon giorno (Good day or hello)
Piacere (Pleased to meet you)
Scusi (Excuse me - to get someones attention)
Permesso: (Excuse me - to get past someone)
Cosa ci consiglia (What would you recommend - used in a restaurant)
Parla inglese (Do you speak English?)